Feb 25, 2018
Alex Garland had the film community buzzing with his directorial debut, Ex Machina and now he's looking to do it again with his latest effort, Annihilation. Garland assembles an all star cast to give us another science fiction thinker and we do our best to keep up with his all star casting efforts with one of our own. We are joined the by Nasty Hell Cat, Jared Dotson (@BigBalderBrand) of the great Sober Cinema Podcast (@sobercinema), to pass judgement on Annihilation.
That Awkward Moment, Black Panther, The Boss Baby, The Godfather, Boomerang, The Red Turtle, Chris Rock: Tamborine, Annihilation
Give us a review on iTunes...even if you don't listen...please. Thanks.
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Special thanks to Le Goose for our intro music. Give them a like on Facebook or check out their website at www.thegooseband.com.